What is an SVG? 

SVG stand for Scalable Vector Graphics“.

In simpler terms, an image with multiple layers that can be separated in the correct software (for example: cricut). 

What is a PNG? 

PNG stands for “Portable Network Graphic.

In simpler terms, a flat image with a transparent background. 

What paper is best for toppers, buzzball holders, etc? 

Heavy Card stock is best. Plain or glitter both work wonderfully! 

What do I do if my download states “Unsupported file type” on my phone?

Continue with the download process, it should still allow you to download successfully. 

How do I download the files? 

You will receive a second email with the links. Click on the links and save to file folder. 

I haven’t received the second email, what do I do? 

Search “myfilecabinetarchive” in your email search bar or check your spam. If you still don’t see the email, message us through our contact section and leave your email and order number and we will get back to you with the links! 
